Why an Espresso Machine is All You Need for Making Coffee at Home

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Why an Espresso Machine is All You Need for Making Coffee at Home

9 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Coffee is more popular than ever, with no signs of its growth slowing down anytime soon. For a lot of hard-working people, life would be impossible without their favourite speciality coffee every day.

In most cases, this means frequenting a local coffee shop where the baristas know just how to make the perfect cup. In the evenings and at weekends, you might just settle for whatever you're able to make at home, without giving it much thought.

That's a real shame. And it's particularly disappointing when you have guests and all you're able to offer is a cup of instant or some basic filter coffee.

Investing in a good quality, proper espresso machine could be the best decision you ever make. Here are the reasons an espresso machine is all you need for coffee heaven.

Total versatility

If you don't pay attention to the way your favourite coffees are made, you might be wondering why you'd need an espresso machine if you don't like espresso.

The truth is, all good coffees start with one of these rich, concentrated shots. A latte is an espresso with steamed milk; a cappuccino is espresso with foamed milk. If you like long black coffees, make an Americano by adding hot water to your shot, maybe with a splash of milk if you prefer.

An espresso machine gives you the freedom to make any coffee you want, not limited like you are with other preparation methods.

All the tools you need

As long as you choose the right model, you'll have everything you need to make a range of coffees with a single machine.

The most important extra to look for is a steam spout, which you'll use for preparing all those milky coffees just like your local coffee shop does. You can even do latte art.

Choose the coffee you want

Some machines for making espresso at home use capsules, which seems convenient but is actually really limiting.

Go for a traditional machine and you'll be able to use any type of coffee you can find, as long as it's ground correctly. Buy yourself a bean grinder and you'll get even more choice. Being able to choose coffee in this way opens up endless possibilities for experimentation, and you can make your own blends, too.

Impress your guests

Let's face it, people are going to be impressed if you can make proper barista coffees at home. The machines even look great in your kitchen, and you'll enjoy showing off your new purchase.